Fearful flyers often hide their fear of flying from their closest friends or even from their partners. We want our fearful flying customers to be able to share overcoming their fear with the person they’ll be flying with and are probably closest to.
(BUT ONLY IF IT HELPS … we realise that some people prefer to face their fear on their own.)
The strain put on relationships when someone has a fear of flying can be enormous, the feelings of guilt and weakness for the person causing the ‘problems’ are considerable. They feel totally and solely responsible for the ensuing chaos, which then leaves a legacy of worry for the next occasion.
We say that the first thing to do is overcome the fear, then worry about others … it’s actually what their friend or family would prefer. We encourage any fearful flyer who comes to our course to bring along someone to support and share the day with them so that when they fly together they can share the experience based on knowing how to help and the things that are of concern to the anxious flyer.
A supporter is someone who would normally be flying with the person on the course.
We ask £15 to cover the cost of lunch and refreshments, there is no other charge.
The supporter's role We will show you how to make a simple ‘contract’ between you and your supporter so that you can get the best from the arrangement. Quite often supporters don’t know exactly how to help and so they end up being an extra burden for the fearful flyer. Sometimes the person with the fear of flying wants everything their own way and believes that if someone is supporting them they ought to do exactly what the fearful flyer wants. In reality, the supporter must do what the anxious flyer needs, not what they want. But we’ll talk more about this when we meet you. A friendly and workable contract is an important part of success. The supporter should among other tips we suggest The anxious flyer should
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